Why is building a house important?
We have security, control, identity, privacy, and a sense of belonging in a home. But most importantly, it is a location from which we depart each morning and return each evening that serves as our center.
The significance of home construction:
1. It can work on your possibilities tracking down work and bringing in cash
One of the most incredible ways for individuals to remake their life and live with pride subsequent to leaving savagery or mistreatment is by being able to work and bring in cash.
Without a decent place to live, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for displaced families to find paid employment. Many are unable to travel and instead live in camps or unofficial colonies far from towns and markets. Others do not have the credentials necessary to work legally. On the other hand, new construction homes provide stability and a better chance of employment.
2. It’s easier to send your kids to school Many parents can’t afford to send their kids to school because they’re losing money. If children live in unhealthy homes, it is difficult for them to concentrate on schoolwork and homework. Today, education assistance is required by more than 75 million children in countries undergoing crises and armed conflict.
3. You can get medical care more easily Without a decent place to live, it’s hard for people to get health care and other public services. Many displaced people live in camps or informal communities where they have little to no access to medical care. In order to gain access to public services like healthcare, others lack the identity credentials or other essential documentation.
4. A secure home provides better protection for children. Children are less susceptible to sexual assault and violence. They are less likely to be coerced into working as children, marrying young, or joining armed groups.
5. It is important to have easier access to humanitarian aid. Having a home makes it easier for people who have been displaced to get help. It is easier for those who own a home to approach the government and relief organizations for assistance, and it is easier for humanitarian aid organizations to communicate with those in need.
6. Stress levels are lower in a home The likelihood of experiencing mental stress is lower in a pleasant and secure setting. Post-conflict trauma is experienced by many displaced children. If these kids don’t have access to education and a safe home, their conditions could get worse and they might miss out on opportunities for help.
Even the most basic shelter and settlements can help communities affected by conflicts and natural disasters regain a sense of normalcy.
7. Integration and inclusion are made easier When displaced families have a place to call home, they have a better chance of forming strong social, economic, and cultural connections with their host community. When they are accepted and integrated into the community, people have a better chance of repairing their lives and maintaining their dignity.